In the speech, Mr. Buijink made a detailed introduction about the long-lasting friendship between China and the Netherlands to more than 300 Chinese students and international students. According to him, the Netherlands regards the rise of China as an opportunity and will further enhance the economic cooperation with China, which is too the main purpose of his visit. Moreover, Mr. Buijink encouraged the students present to choose their own routes of life and work hard for it.
Mr. Buijink also communicated with Prof. Liu about the approaches to cooperation in the field of higher education and science and technology between China and the Netherlands. It is introduced by Prof. Liu that Donghua University has already established partnerships with many Dutch universities, with five programs in progress, and that more than 120 Chinese and Dutch students benefit from these programs every year.
The Netherlands is known as a strong nation of Design and Economics. In the future, cooperation between Donghua and Netherlands will surely increase in various fields and levels. Mr. Peter Potman expressed the strong willingness of Consulate of the Netherlands to act as a bridge for the further cooperation between Donghua and Dutch universities in the end of the event.